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Visiting Irpinia Castles

Taste and Culture

libro multi-touch

in inglese

Dettagli del libro multi-touch

per iPhone, iPad e MacOs

in inglese.

The first guidebook in English, interactive and multimedia, which takes you between the Castles of Irpinia (Castelli d'Irpinia), and not only, with a click or a tap: Archaeological sites, city walls, towers, medieval villages, palaces and religious monuments, hundreds of original photos collected in photo galleries and video spots, interactive maps, 90 verification and learning tests for children and teenagers and adults, terminology glossary and references to historical figures, main typical products, important cultural events; direct links to the e-mail box to request information on availability and on tourist routes and / or to visit the historical sites; direct links to the website to access the pages in Italian, English, German and Japanese, direct links to social media Facebook, Twitter, Blogger; Back Stage and notes from the author.

Apple ID: 1471103747
ISBN: 9788888332284
€ 7,99

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Rassegna stampa

Grazie a:

Irpinia24, 7 maggio 2019, Redazione

Gazzetta di Avellino, 7 maggio 2019, Redazione

ITV online, 8 maggio 2019, Amedeo Picariello

ITV su Youtube, 8 maggio 2019, Amedeo Picariello

WWWITALIA, 24 luglio 2019, Eleonora Davide

theWAM.net, 4 agosto 2019, Simona Addivinola

WWWITALIA, 27 marzo 2020, Eleonora Davide

WWWITALIA, 27 marzo 2020, Eleonora Davide